  • Film Festival
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Art, Film & Music

Locarno is well-known for its famous international festivals but art is becoming increasingly important, and not just at the Hotel Belvedere.

Art Collection at the Belvedere

Original work from early twentieth century French and Swiss painters adorn the hotel’s communal areas.

They include oil paintings and tempera by Jean Talbot, Antonio Guansé, Edmond Céria and Mucci Patocchi Staglieno, as well as sculptures by István Béothy, Pedro Pedrazzini, Ernst Schneider, Alex Nef and Claudine Brusorio.

Moon & Stars and Film Festival

Two annual events that can’t be missed!

In mid-July, the Moon & Stars Festival takes place in the beautiful setting of Piazza Grande, with concerts from the big names in pop and rock. Come mid-August it’s time for the famous Film Festival which transforms Locarno into the world capital of cinema for 11 days.

Ghisla Art Collection

Over the past 30 years, the Ghislas have collected masterpieces of Pop Art, Informal Art, Conceptual Art, Abstractionism and New Dada.

The collection includes famous artists such as Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Pierre Alechinsky, Karel Appel, Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró. Discounted entrance tickets are available at the reception.

Jazz Ascona

This festival held in late-June/early-July attracts an enthusiastic public from all over the world, who appreciate its original programme and the spectacular setting offered by Lake Maggiore and the mountains which provide a wonderful backdrop to the evening concerts on the lakeside.

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